Monday, January 3, 2011

Today I’m Exhausted

Today, I was supposed to post a piece that tied in to Thanksgiving, and alluded to the multiple crises that we are experiencing.

Me, as I write this.
But this morning, I woke up, re-read all the drafts I had of what would have been today’s post, and realized that—frankly—it was all drivel. 

Some people—a lot of people, actually—think that most of what I write is drivel. (Oddly, the same people who think my stuff is shit read everything that I post—and comment about it, too. But nevermind.) 

Re-reading the crap I had written for today’s post was terribly dispiriting—for a second there, I thought that the haters were right: My stuff is shitty drivel that hardly makes any sense!

It took me a while to recall what I was trying to do—not just in the piece, but in my blog, generally speaking:

What I’m trying to do is write stuff that’s informative, entertaining, and insightful. Keeping those three balls juggling in the air is quite a task, believe you me. Sometimes I juggle those three objectives as effortlessly as a cartoon octopus—my Stagflation ‘79 piece, my discussion on what is a fascist police-state, my piece on why corporations matter: These were all killer. 

Sometimes, though, my juggling is as frenzied and uncoordinated as a blind and palsied amputee. (I won’t link to those pieces—they know who they are.) 

But in all of them, I try to keep those three balls in the air: Keep it informative—keep it entertaining—keep it insightful—juggle-juggle-juggle—all while wearing a great big smile on my face. 

Today, however, it just wasn’t happening. 

Whether it’s because it’s such a lovely day outside, or whether it’s because I didn’t get much sleep last night, or whether the stars weren’t aligned just right, or my feng shui is f.u.’ed—whatever it was, today, everything I tried to write was drivel. 

So I won’t be inflicting this drivel on my Kind Fans and New Readers today. Today, I’m going to finish posting this, turn off my computer, and go outside and play catch with the dog. 

I suggest you do the same, or something else as equally fun. 


P.S.: Since I brought it up, let me ask my Kind Fans to please tell me the posts you’ve liked the most, and the ones you’ve liked the least—I’m really curious. GL

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