Monday, January 3, 2011

Thank You

To My Readers and Kind Fans,

I started this blog this past June as a lark: A place where I could make sense of my crazy ideas, without any expectation that they would be read by anyone except me—and that’s how it was for the first couple of months. A day where I got 40 pageviews was a big day for me.

But then out of the blue, I got an audience—you. In the past four months, my blog has received well over a million hits—and it’s been an exhilarating experience. Addictive. The rush I get from reading comments is hard to describe—especially because the comments I get are smart, even when they completely disagree with what I’ve written.

I feel I owe you, my audience, for this wonderful feeling. 

So as the new year starts, I just wanted to thank you all, for your attention and support. Some of you are casual readers, while some of you are exceedingly conscientious—but all of you are greatly appreciated.

And to those who’ve been generous enough as to send money for my ramblings: Be assured, I am not using your money to buy drugs, hookers or beer . . . okay, not using all of your money on drugs, hookers and beer—my guilty conscience forced me to donate to St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. St. Jude’s is a very good charity—check out their site here. I sent them a total of $175. In addition, I sent donations to Wikipedia (please help keep it free), to Yves Smith’s naked capitalism, and to Glenn Greenwald’s site—even though I don’t agree with a lot of what they write, they are honest, diligent, and conscientious, and most of all respectful of the truth. 

All told, I donated roughly 25% of what you have all been kind enough to send me. (As to the rest? Like I said: Drugs, hookers and beer.)

Over the next few weeks of this new year, I’ll be writing about cap-and-trade, political leadership, epistemology, the ongoing European Crisis, and dollar-hyperinflation. I promise I’ll try to be as diligent and honest as I hope I’ve been in my previous crazed ramblings.

All the best, and to all a terrific 2011,


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