Monday, January 3, 2011

A Christmas Gift for My Readers: The Trooper

Dear Readers and Kind Fans, 

I’ve mentioned here and there that for the past several years, I’ve been writing a monster called The Green of the Republic—but I’ve also written other fiction. 

Back in July–September 2008, while taking a break from my monster, I wrote a highly experimental novel called The Trooper

It’s about a State Trooper, patrolling a suburb in a post-Crash, Millennial Depression wasteland. It’s a dark, scary, creepy book—a horror story for thinking people. 

Between its formal experimentation and its black-as-outer-space tone, mainstream publishers would never touch such a book, no matter how good it might be—not in a million years. 

But it is pretty good. I know it’s arrogant of me to say that about my own work, but, well, you all know that I’m an arrogant shit. More to the point, if I didn’t think it was good, I’d never mention it—I’d keep it locked away like an unloved adopted child. 

But I do love The Trooper. It seems such a shame that—because of publisher timidity—no one will get to read it—

—so I’ve decided to make it available to people via a blogspot site. 

Every Saturday, I’ll be posting a ten-to-twenty page chunk of the novel—today, for your Christmas pleasure, I’ve posted the first two such chunks, 

So without further ado, here it is—The Trooper



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