Monday, January 3, 2011

A Question for My Kind Fans

Shocking as it is—and it’s a shock to me most of all—but I have fans.

Not just casual readers, but fan fans—diehards.

This message is for them.

Recently, you saw how I wrote about two big subjects over the past few weeks: European sovereign debt, and the whole Wikileaks thing—and I won’t lie to you, it was exhausting. 

Having to bear down and and get a firm grip on this material was a lot like, well, work. It was fun, sure—and it was fascinating to find out such interesting stuff—and to once again be underwhelmed by the slipshod practices of the mainstream media. 

But it was work—and hard work at that
I don’t mind hard work—but we all need a break from time to time. I tried to turn to my Twitter feed, to take a break from the work—but paradoxically, twittering was neither easy, nor a welcomed relief from the grind of writing long and complicated posts about my two big subjects: As any professional writer knows, being brief and concise is a lot harder than being long-winded and boring.

And you know that I’m all about being long-winded and boring.

I’ve sort of locked myself into writing big long posts about big and complicated subjects—which is great. It’s a blast, and I certainly don’t want to give up on that opportunity. 

But I also want to be able to write throwaway posts about whatever randomness is floating in the ether—write stuff that’s longer than the 140 characters of a Twitter post, but a lot shorter than the stuff I usually write on my blog; stuff in the neighborhood of 100 to 200 words—and pithy ones at that. 

Which brings me to my point: 

I came up with an idea to do hourly blog posts—every hour, on the hour—about whatever struck my fancy, but skewing towards economics/business, macro-world affairs, and fun stuff, in that order. 

The central conceit of this new blog would be that every hour on the hour, there’d be a new blog post—hence its name:

(Like the logo? I designed it myself.)

I tried it out: Sort of like a test run—

—and doing 24 posts per day was insane. Impossible for one guy.

Through trial and error, though, I found that I could manage about a half a dozen posts per day.

So! I’m thinking of giving this thing a go—The Hourly G: A fast-and-loose blog about economics, business, finance, and everything and anything fun. I’d start it in January, and for the first few weeks, I’d post 6 to 9 times per day. Of course, I’d try to drum up some guest posters who would add their expertise to the blog—the goal is to eventually get a post up every hour, on the hour, all day, every day.

What do you think?:


Click all that apply, and comment as you see fit—on this subject, I will be answering any and all comments.

I would appreciate your suggestions. 


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